Choosing the Right Compression Springs For Your Needs

Like all manufacturing companies, your reputation relies on both your experience and the experiences your clients have with your product. Springs are no different. This is why Ajax Springs has always prided itself on giving its customers the best experience. This is how and why.

Extending the life and quality of your compression springs can be accomplished by choosing quality materials–which will ultimately benefit both client and manufacturer. Ajax Springs always considers the application of its springs before deciding  which material and type of springs to use, to ensure a longer lifetime.

When Compression Springs Can’t Fail

A compression spring used as a part of an electro-mechanical switch in, say, an airplane ejector seat system for example, could possibly withstand thousands of rotations before it is ever used. The spring must fire on demand, regardless of wear; and while routine maintenance and checks will be performed on the system, it’s failure cannot be because of inappropriate or weakened materials.

For most standard uses a highly pliable, stainless steel compression spring is ideal. A steel compression spring can withstand temperatures up to 300°C. Your typical “music wire” used to create compression springs is available in varying grades, depending on the usage and conditions it will be used in.

Compression springs are found in ejector seats
Airplane Ejector Seats

Customized Compression Springs

No matter what your company’s spring use may be, the experienced staff at Ajax Springs and Wire Specialty will ensure that you will receive the proper weight, material and grade to ensure lasting results. Want to know more about how we can help with your spring needs? Please contact us for a consultation.

Photo Credit:
By Ejection_Seats_@_Deutsche_Museum_Flugwerft_Schleißheim.jpg: Vestman from Helsinki, Finlandderivative work: Jon Ascton at en.wikipedia [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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