It’s Been Spring Time at Ajax for Over 8 Decades

It’s hard to believe, but Ajax Wire Specialty Company has been around for 85 years! Started in Manhattan in 1933 by Joseph Elowsky, and later combined with companies owned by his brother and brother-in-law, Aaron Elowsky and Ben Kantner, Ajax has continued to grow and remains a market leader in the manufacture and production of springs for industries including automotive, locksmithing, toy hardware, and electronics.

Now located in Hicksville, Long Island, we have a modern plant with automatic, semi-automatic, and manual equipment which enables us to produce springs in quantities that will be most cost effective for you. We can also provide labeling, bagging, and the printing and applying of bar codes.

1965 Ajax Wire Specialty Company catalog cover
1965 catalog cover
Ajax Springs - Since 1933

Interesting Stats About Ajax Springs

  • Formed in 1933
  • Originally located in Manhattan, moved to Jamaica, Queens, and now in Hicksville, Long Island
  • Employs 15 spring experts to help you solve any spring issues
  • Manufactures more than 2 million springs each year!

Ajax Springs has become a major supplier to the hardware industry for its stock springs, with accounts around the world. We can supply springs packaged in bulk, or in assortments that come with a display and cabinet.

Learn More About Ajax Springs

You Can Count on Ajax Springs

Ajax has always been a family-run business, and is now in its third generation of spring makers, passing their knowledge and experience on. And we want to share that experience with you! We’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any spring specification questions. Remember, no matter the season, it’s always spring time at Ajax!

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