Meeting all of New York State’s eligibility requirements, Ajax Wire Specialty Co., Inc. recently became a certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise. Ajax Wire became a member of this hardworking group of small businesses in late December 2019.
The Ajax Wire Family
Ajax Wire was established more than 85 years ago and has been a family run business since its inception. Patricia Ellner, President of Ajax Wire, works alongside her husband and Ajax Vice-President, Dave. Twenty years ago, Patricia and Dave took over the business from Patricia’s father Joseph Elowsky.
Brief History on the Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE)
The New York City Department of Small Business Services established the M/WBE Certification program in 2005. This program was created with the goal of expanding opportunities for minority and women entrepreneurs while providing opportunities to help their businesses thrive.
The M/WBE Program has over 6,000 certified members, and Ajax Wire is proud to be a part of this prestigious group of small businesses.